List of Charts
Human Settlement
Waste and Recycling
- Figure 7.5: Composition of NSW litter stream items 2019–20
- Figure 7.6: NSW container deposit scheme (Return and Earn) recovery rate from December 2017 to March 2021
- Figure 7.7: NSW litter volume by site type, 2013–14 to 2019–20
- Figure 7.8: Composition of illegally dumped waste 2019–20
- Figure 7.9: Illegal dumping incidents recorded by RIDonline by waste type, 2016–17 to 2019–20
Native Vegetation
- Spotlight figure 13a: Permanent clearing of woody vegetation each year in NSW 2009–2019
- Spotlight figure 13b: Non-woody vegetation clearing on regulated land
- Figure 13.1: Pattern of habitat loss and degradation varies between bioregions
- Figure 13.2: Permanent loss of woody vegetation each year in NSW, 2009 to 2019
- Figure 13.3: Annual Native forestry harvesting by tenure, 2009 to 2019
Protected Areas and Conservation
Soil Condition
- Spotlight figure 10: Average dust hours and area with less than 50% total vegetation cover recorded at NSW DustWatch stations
- Figure 10.1: Hillslope erosion in NSW for the 2000–20 period
- Figure 10.2: Average dust hours recorded at NSW DustWatch stations 2008–20
- Figure 10.3: Average area with less than 50% total vegetation cover recorded near NSW DustWatch stations 2006–20
- Figure 10.4: Trend in the use of best management practices in the south-west of the Western LLS region, 2003–20
Water and Marine
Coastal, Estuarine and Marine Ecosystems
- Spotlight figure 20: Percentage of Sydney, Hunter and Illawarra beach and estuary monitoring sites rated with low levels of faecal contamination 1995–96 to 2019–20
- Figure 20.1: Area of saltmarsh in NSW estuaries that have been re-mapped within the last five years
- Figure 20.2: Area of mangrove in NSW estuaries that have been re-mapped within the last five years
- Figure 20.3: Area of Posidonia australis in NSW estuaries re-mapped in the last five years
- Figure 20.4: Area of all seagrasses (excluding Posidonia) in NSW estuaries re-mapped in the last five years
- Figure 20.5: Licensed discharges to NSW open marine waters and estuaries 2000–01 to 2019–20
- Figure 20.6: Shellfish program individual harvest areas 2000-2021
River Health
Water Resources
- Spotlight figure 16: Water use by licensed users in major NSW regulated valleys 1999–00 to 2019–20
- Figure 16.1a: Diversions and water remaining after extraction in the major NSW regulated valleys 1999–2000 to 2019–2020: Gwydir
- Figure 16.1b: Diversions and water remaining after extraction in the major NSW regulated valleys 1999–2000 to 2019–20: Namoi
- Figure 16.1c: Diversions and water remaining after extraction in the major NSW regulated valleys 1999–2000 to 2019–20: Macquarie
- Figure 16.1d: Diversions and water remaining after extraction in the major NSW regulated valley 1999–2000 to 2019–20: Lachlan
- Figure 16.1e: Diversions and water remaining after extraction in the major NSW regulated valleys 1999–2000 to 2019–20: Murrumbidgee
- Figure 16.2: Environmental water shares in NSW
- Spotlight figure 18: Percentage of coastal and inland wetland types in NSW reserves
- Figure 18.1: Estimated wetland area in eastern Australia 1983–2020
- Figure 18.2: Waterbird abundance index in eastern Australia 1983–2020
- Figure 18.3: Waterbird breeding species diversity in eastern Australia 1983–2020
- Figure 18.4: Waterbird breeding index in eastern Australia 1983–2020