List of Charts
Invasive Species
Native Fauna
- Spotlight figure 12: Population health index (PHI) ratings for 28 native fish species in the NSW part of the Murray–Darling Basin in 2014–19
- Figure 12.1: Long-term (200 years) loss of distribution for native birds
- Figure 12.2: Long-term (200 years) loss of distribution for native mammals
- Figure 12.3: Indices for east coast birds showing increases or declines in range and numbers, 1997–2013
- Figure 12.4: NSW index of threatened birds, 1985–2015
- Figure 12.5: Occupancy model for long-nosed bandicoot, 2012–2021
- Figure 12.6: Co-occurrence model for long-nosed bandicoot and red fox, 2016 and 2017
- Figure 12.7: Long-nosed bandicoot occupancy after the 2019/2020 bushfires as a function of fire severity
- Figure 12.8: Changes in the estimated population of large kangaroo species in NSW, 1975–2020
- Figure 12.9. Population Health Index (PHI) ratings for 28 native fish species in the NSW portion of the Murray–Darling Basin for the period 2014–2019.
- Figure 12.10: Changes in the number of vertebrate species not threatened under the Threatened Species Conservation or Biodiversity Conservation Acts, 1995–2020
Threatened Species
- Spotlight figure 11: Total listings of threatened species 1995–2020
- Figure 11.1: Changes in total listings of threatened species, 1995–2020
- Figure 11.2: Changes in total listings of NSW ecological communities, 1995–2020
- Figure 11.3: Number of NSW species listed as threatened expected to survive in 100 years by biological groups and all groups combined
- Figure 11.4: Evolutionary diversity (as a percentage of an evolutionary tree) from different biological groups expected to survive in 100 years
- Figure 11.5: Number of entities and processes under active management in the Saving our Species program, 2016–17 to 2019–20
- Figure 11.6: Saving our Species Recovery Index – 2016–17 to 2019–20
Climate and Air
Air Quality
- Spotlight figure 8: Monthly average PM2.5 (fine particulate matter) levels over 5 years from select monitoring stations
- Figure 8.1: Number of days exceeding the AAQ NEPM 24-hour standard for particles (PM10) NSW GMR, 1994–2020
- Figure 8.2: Number of days exceeding the AAQ NEPM 24-hour standard for particles (PM10) in NSW regional centres, 2002–2020
- Figure 8.3: Annual maximum 24 hour average concentrations for particles (PM2.5) in the NSW GMR, 1996–2020
- Figure 8.4: Number of days exceeding the AAQ NEPM 24-hour standard for particles (PM2.5) in the NSW GMR, 1996–2020
- Figure 8.5: Number of days exceeding the AAQ NEPM 24-hour standard for particles (PM2.5) in NSW regional centres, 2011–2020
- Figure 8.6: Trends in annual average ozone (O3) levels for 1994–2018 by region
- Figure 8.7: Number of days exceeding the one-hour AAQ NEPM standard for ozone in the NSW GMR, 1994–2020
- Figure 8.8: Number of days exceeding the four-hour AAQ NEPM standard for ozone was exceeded in the NSW GMR, 1994–2020
- Figure 8.9: Annual maximum one-hour average concentrations for ozone in the NSW GMR, 1994–2020
- Figure 8.10: Annual maximum four-hour-average concentrations for ozone in the NSW GMR, 1994–2020
- Figure 8.11: Dust Stop program – Reduction in PM10 emissions (tonnes)
Climate Change
- Spotlight figure 21: Observed and projected changes in annual mean temperatures for NSW and the ACT
- Figure 21.1: Observed and projected changes in annual mean global surface temperature from 1850–2020
- Figure 21.2: Observed changes in annual mean surface temperature in NSW and the ACT from 1910–2020
- Figure 21.3: Relative change in cool season (April–October) temperatures comparing maximum (a) and minimum (b) temperatures from 2000–2019 with those from 1910–1999.
- Figure 21.4: Projected changes in maximum temperatures for NSW and the ACT using data from NARCliM1.0 (a - d) and NARCliM1.5 (e - h) climate simulations
- Figure 21.5: Projected changes in minimum temperatures for NSW and the ACT using data from NARCliM1.0 (a - d) and NARCliM1.5 (e - h) climate simulations
- Figure 21.6: Observed and projected changes in annual mean precipitation for NSW and the ACT from 1960–2080 using data from NARCliM1.0 and NARCliM1.0 climate simulations
- Figure 21.7: Projected changes in seasonal mean precipitation for NSW and the ACT using data from NARCliM1.0 (a - d) and NARCliM1.5 (e - h) climate simulations
- Figure 21.8: Sea-surface temperature differences from the Port Hacking National Reference Station PH100m for 1953–2020
- Figure 21.9: Measured historical annual mean sea level at the Port Kembla Seaframe monitoring station from 1991 to 2020
- Figure 21.10: Observed and projected mean sea level rise at Port Kembla using IPCC AR6 modelling (SSP-RCP) for different greenhouse gas emission levels
- Figure 21.11: Area of NSW in drought from 2000 to 2021, as monitored by NSW DPI's Enhanced Drought Information System
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Spotlight figure 5: NSW greenhouse gas emissions by UNFCCC key categories 2018–2019
- Figure 5.1: Global greenhouse gas emissions 1990–2018
- Figure 5.2: Net NSW greenhouse gas emissions as inventoried (2005–2019) and projected (2020–2030)
- Figure 5.3: NSW greenhouse gas emissions by end-use sector and emissions type 2016
- Figure 5.4: NSW emissions from production and combustion by fuel type
- Figure 5.5: NSW emissions by greenhouse gas
- Figure 5.6: Black carbon emissions in NSW
- Figure 5.7: Historical trends in NSW energy use, compared with key NSW statistics, 1990–2019
- Figure 5.8: NSW Emissions per capita and per GSP, 1990–2019
Net Zero Plan Stage 1: 2020–2030
- Figure 23.1: Net NSW greenhouse gas emissions as inventoried (2005–2019) and projected with Net Zero Plan Stage 1 policies implemented (2020–2030)
- Figure 23.2: Projected reductions in annual NSW emissions in 2030 under base case and Net Zero Plan scenarios
- Figure 23.3: 2019 and 2021 base case projections for NSW emissions (that is, without the Net Zero Plan)
- Figure 23.4: Projected reductions in NSW emissions due to NSW Government action between 2021 and 2030
- Figure 23.5: Projected NSW emissions to 2050 under base case and current policy scenarios and the path ahead to net zero emissions by 2050
- Figure 23.6: Projected NSW emissions by sector with current policies implemented
Economic Activity and the Environment
- Spotlight figure 2: Relative change in NSW economic performance, emissions and energy intensity 1990–2019
- Figure 2.1: Economic growth (annual growth in real GSP), 1990–91 to 2019–20
- Figure 2.2: Relative change in economic performance, population, energy consumption and carbon emissions in NSW, 1989–90 to 2018–19
- Figure 2.3: Emissions and energy use relative to the NSW economy, 1990–2019
- Spotlight figure 1: Population growth in NSW, Greater Sydney* and regional NSW 2009–20
- Figure 1.1: Age profile of Greater Sydney and Regional NSW 2020
- Figure 1.2: Average household size in NSW 1980–2016
- Figure 1.3: NSW population growth compared to trends in energy, greenhouse gas emissions, transport, water and waste 2006–20
Human Settlement
Contaminated Sites
- Spotlight figure 9: Number of newly regulated sites between January 2018 and December 2020 under the Contaminated Land Management Act by contamination type
- Figure 9.1: Net number of EPA-regulated contaminated sites in the period 2005–2020.
- Figure 9.2: Cumulative total of sites regulated under the Contaminated Land Management Act and remediated, 2005-2020
- Figure 9.3: Contaminated Land Management Act newly regulated sites by contamination type, 2005–2020
- Figure 9.4: Contaminated Land Management Act proportion of newly regulated sites by contamination type 2005–2020
- Figure 9.5: Contaminated Land Management Act remediation of regulated contaminated sites, 2005–2020
Energy Consumption
- Spotlight figure 3: Measures of energy consumption, transport sector energy use and renewable energy sources
- Figure 3.1: Final energy consumption by sector, NSW and the ACT 1988–89 to 2018–19
- Figure 3.2: Final energy consumption for each sector by fuel type, NSW and the ACT 2018–19
- Figure 3.3: Renewable fuel sources for NSW electricity, 2008–09 to 2019–2020
- Figure 3.4: Electricity consumption and demand forecasts, NSW and the ACT
- Figure 4.1: Kilometres travelled by NSW vehicles by four-month period July 2019 to June 2020
- Figure 4.2: NSW vehicle kilometres travelled by vehicle type 2009–10 to 2019–20
- Figure 4.3: Total trips for various purposes on an average weekday in Sydney 2019–20
- Figure 4.4: Trips by mode for Greater Sydney residents on an average weekday (2009–10 to 2019–20)
- Figure 4.5: Public transport patronage by mode over the Opal network 2010–11 to 2020–21
- Figure 4.6: Number of trips on an average weekday by mode for Hunter residents 2009–10 to 2019–20
- Figure 4.7: Number of trips on an average weekday by mode for Illawarra residents 2009–10 to 2019–20
- Figure 4.8: Recent trends in NSW coal exports and grain production
Urban Water Supply
- Spotlight figure 6: Urban water supplied, by source
- Figure 6.1: Annual per-property residential water consumption for LWUs, Sydney Water and Hunter Water 2004–05 to 2019–20
- Figure 6.2a: Demand for potable water, Sydney Water 1990–91 to 2020–21
- Figure 6.2b: Water demand per person, Sydney Water, in relation to water restrictions 1990–91 to 2020–21
- Figure 6.3a: Demand for potable water, Hunter Water 2002–03 to 2019–20
- Figure 6.3b: Water demand per person, Hunter Water, in relation to water restrictions 1990–91 to 2020–21
- Figure 6.4: Demand for potable water, regional NSW 2004–05 to 2019–20
- Figure 6.5: Greater Sydney Storage level profile 2000–2020
Waste and Recycling
- Spotlight figure 7: Total waste disposed of and recycled and waste generated per capita 2002–03 to 2018–19
- Figure 7.1: Total waste disposed of and recycled by waste stream and per capita for NSW 2002–03 to 2019–20
- Figure 7.2: National and NSW average for litter volume (excluding illegal dumping), 2006–07 to 2019–20
- Figure 7.3: National and NSW average for litter items (excluding illegal dumping), 2005–06 to 2019–20
- Figure 7.4: Composition of the NSW litter stream by volume, 2019–20